"Through visual and spoken imagery, this book attempts to show how the process of making art is as important as the product or artwork itself. We are all artists engaged in truly creative activity when we use all our senses to explore the world around us. Every writer or artist draws upon deeply felt experiences both real and imagined. Each of us can learn to recognize his or her own creative instincts and abilities by tuning into the thoughts and feelings any experience generates. An artist takes the time to make discoveries." ~ Pat Lowry Collins, author's website |
We went for a stroll (with buckets - smile) in search of finding beauty in God's creations. We used our senses to see, hear, smell, and touch what we found.

Aubrey liked the grass and the green pine needles against the brown trees.

There was not a cloud in the sky!

The girls blew the seeds of a dandelion,
and smelled and touched flowers and stone.
We heard a chirp then spotted a bird in flight,

and noticed that the moon was visible in the daytime.
Back inside, Aubrey identified objects while blind-folded, using just her senses of taste, touch, smell, and hearing.

She did worksheets about the five senses from ???.
Then we got out our magnifying glass and observed shells, a starfish, sand dollar, flowers, and leaves.

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